Cricket Betting Tips

Cricket Betting

Alastair Cook 3rd in Test Rankings

Who’d have thought or predicted that 12 months ago? I certainly wouldn’t off and I would have thought anyone who did say this would probably need to go and see their doctor.

Cook is now ranked above Sachin Tendulkar, Cook is now ranked above Sachin Tendulkar, it’s that unbelievable I’ve had to write it twice.
At the moment Jonathan Trott is ranked 5th and Ian Bell is ranked 7th. I believe the upturn in England’s form over the last 12 months is largely down to these three.
I know it’s a team game and everybody contributes, but 12 months ago the batsmen weren’t getting big scores like they currently are. Behind the stumps Matt Prior was doing his job and the bowlers were very consistent, on the whole we were a decent side.
Now with the batsmen getting the sheer weight of runs we currently are, all the units in the side are firing. When you have 450 on the board nearly all the time, rather than 250, it must make bowling seem that bit easier.
For me, the day our batting turned the corner was when Stuart Broad and Jonathan Trottt put on that partnership of 332 runs against Pakistan at Lord’s at the end of August 2010. Since then we haven’t looked back.
I will be looking in more details at the statistics over the next few days, but I can write with a fair amount of confidence that there hasn’t been too many failures since that day and this has been reflected in the results.
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