Cricket Betting Tips

Cricket Betting

Ijaz Butt returning to London!

Oh no, here we go again, apparently Ijaz Butt is on his way back to the UK on Tuesday for a meeting with the solicitors representing the three accused players in the no-balls scandal.

All of London’s top libel lawyers should drop everything and be on red alert in case Butt makes any more outrageous libellous comments.

Maybe this time Butt will manage to keep his gob shut (a wise choice in my view), but I just can’t see it, he will have to say something, surely. He just can’t seem to help himself.

So far there has been no retraction of the remarks he made about England players throwing the 3rd ODI at the Oval, so it will be interesting to see if the players and ECB are in a position to issue him with a writ for what he said.

Then again, could he surprise us all? Maybe he is coming armed with all his incriminating evidence that England did in fact chuck the game. Maybe he has got all his names and information he promised us from his good friends in the ‘bookies circle’.

Maybe pigs might fly!

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